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Reviving a Proverb: When in Rome with Your Smartphone

English Phrase Collection | English Twisted Ending Proverbs | When in Rome, do as the Romans do, but if they offer you a toga, make sure it comes with pockets for your smartphone.

Blending Past and Present in Rome

In the world of proverbs, one of the classics has always been "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". 

It's a reminder to embrace the local customs and traditions when you're in a new place, a piece of wisdom that has stood the test of time. 

But let's face it, we live in a digital age, and our beloved smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. So, it's only fitting that we modernise this age-old wisdom.

A Modern Twist on an Ancient Saying:

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do, but if they offer you a toga, make sure it comes with pockets for your smartphone". Yes, you heard it right. The updated proverb for our tech-savvy times brings a whole new dimension to blending in with the locals. After all, what's the point of fully immersing yourself in Roman culture if you can't Instagram that picture of the Colosseum or Google the nearest gelato place?

A Tale of Togas and Tech:

Picture this: You find yourself in the heart of Rome, ready to embrace the traditions of this magnificent city. You're offered to try a traditional toga on, just like the Romans of the past would wear. But then, the twist. You realise that it's not your average toga; it comes with pockets tailor-made for your smartphone. You smile, knowing that you're all set to explore ancient ruins and relish modern conveniences. You've successfully bridged the past and the present with your smartphone-friendly toga.

Join Us on "English Phrase Collection" YouTube:

Embrace the blend of tradition and technology with a dash of humor. If you enjoyed this modern take on a classic proverb, you're in for a treat. Join us on our "English Phrase Collection" YouTube channel for more light-hearted, language-enriching content. 

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