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Proverb 'Easy Come, Easy Go'

English Phrase Collection | Proverbs | Easy Come, Easy Go

Easy come, easy go : The Truth Behind the Proverb "Easy Come, Easy Go"

The proverb "Easy come, easy go" is a simple phrase with a profound meaning that can be applied to various aspects of life. It is often used to describe situations where something is obtained quickly and easily but is lost just as easily.

At first glance, it may seem like a pessimistic view of life, but when you delve deeper, it can serve as a reminder to value and appreciate what we have and to work hard to maintain it. Let's explore this proverb and its meaning.

The meaning behind the proverb

The phrase "easy come, easy go" means that anything that is obtained without effort is often lost or squandered just as quickly. It can refer to material possessions, money, relationships, or even success. In essence, it is a warning to not take things for granted and to understand the value of hard work and persistence.

Examples of the proverb in action

There are several examples of this proverb in real life. For instance, someone who inherits a large sum of money without having to work for it may spend it carelessly, and soon the money is gone. Similarly, someone who achieves success without putting in the effort and time to maintain it may find themselves losing it just as quickly.

On the other hand, someone who works hard to achieve something, whether it is a successful business or a loving relationship, is more likely to appreciate and value it. They understand the effort and dedication that went into achieving their goals and are more likely to work hard to maintain them.

Final thoughts

The proverb "Easy come, easy go" may seem simple, but it carries a powerful message. It reminds us to value what we have and to work hard to maintain it. It encourages us to put in the effort and dedication necessary to achieve our goals, rather than taking shortcuts. So, the next time you come across this proverb, remember its message and strive to make it a part of your life.

If you're interested in learning more British idioms and phrases, check out our YouTube channel "English Phrase Collection". We have a wide range of videos covering a lot of common expressions. You might even find some more proverbs like "Easy Come, Easy Go". So, be sure to subscribe and join our community of English language learners.

We hope you find this blog post informative and enjoyable, and that it helps you better understand the meaning and usage of the British proverb "Easy Come, Easy Go". Don't forget to check out and like our video on this proverb.

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